Learn From Experts!

Learn the most demanding skills.

Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing

By Abdul Rehman

Web Development
Web Development

By Faisal Anwar

UI UX Designing (Coming Soon)
UI UX Designing (Coming Soon)

Flutter App Development (Coming Soon)
Flutter App Development (Coming Soon)


by Abdul Rehman

Month 1: Marketing Fundamentals and Social Media Marketing

Week 1: Marketing Fundamentals

  • Day 1: Introduction to Marketing Fundamentals
  • Day 2: Importance of Marketing in Business
  • Day 3: Setting Marketing Goals and KPIs
  • Day 4: Understanding Target Audience and Buyer Personas
  • Day 5: Marketing Mix (4Ps)

Week 2: Social Media Marketing

  • Day 6: Introduction to Social Media Marketing
  • Day 7: Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms
  • Day 8: Creating Engaging Content for Social Media
  • Day 9: Social Media Posting Strategies
  • Day 10: Social Media Analytics and Measurement

Week 3-4: Hands on Facebook Ads

  1. Day 11-15: Practical Workshop on Facebook Ads
  2. Setting up Facebook Business Manager and Page
  3. Creating Ad Campaigns
  4. Ad Copywriting and Creative Design
  5. Facebook Pixel Integration
  6. Analyzing Facebook Ads Performance

Month 2: Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies and Google Ads

Week 1-2: AI-Powered Digital Marketing Strategies

  • Day 16-20: Exploring AI in Digital Marketing
  • Understanding AI Tools
  • AI for Personalization and Targeting
  • AI-Powered Analytics
  • Case Studies and Examples

Week 3-4: Facebook Pixel Integration & Website Conversion Tracking / Introduction to Google Ads

  • Day 21-25: Facebook Pixel Integration & Website Conversion Tracking
  • Day 26-30: Introduction to Google Ads
  • Overview of PPC, Display, Performance Max & YouTube Ads
  • Keywords Research and Campaign Setup

Month 3: Google Ads, Analytics, and Advanced Strategies

  • Week 1-2: Google Ads and Analytics Setup
  • Day 31-35: Google Analytics 4 Setup & Products Setup
  • Day 36-40: Keywords Research and Campaigns Setup in Google Ads
  • Day 41-45: Google Analytics 4 Events & Conversions

Week 3-4: Advanced Tools and Strategies

  • Day 46-50: Google Tag Manager Setup & Debugging Basics to Advance
  • Day 51-55: Email Marketing Campaigns Setup & Funnel Mapping
  • Day 56-60: Chatbots (ManyChat) Implementation and Optimization
  • Day 61-65: Copywriting, User Behavior’s Identification
  • Day 66-70: Blogging & SEO Best Practices

Week 5: Freelancing Platforms Masterclass

  • Day 71-75: UpWork, Fiverr, and LinkedIn Masterclass
  • Creating Effective Profiles
  • Winning Proposals
  • Client Communication and Success Stories

Mastering Web Development: From HTML Basics to Advanced PHP and MySQL

by Faisal Anwar

Module 1: Introduction to Web Development and HTML (Week 1-2-3)

Week 1: Understanding Web Development

  • Introduction to web technologies
  • Basics of how the internet works
  • Overview of front-end and back-end development

Module 2: Introduction to PHP (Week 4-5)

Week 4: Introduction to PHP

  • Setting up a local development environment
  • Basic syntax and data types
  • Variables, constants, and operators

Module 3: MySQL and Database Integration (Week 6-7)

Week 6: Introduction to MySQL

  • Database concepts and fundamentals
  • Structured Query Language (SQL) basics
  • Setting up a MySQL database

Week 7: PHP and MySQL Integration

  • Connecting PHP to MySQL
  • Executing queries and retrieving data
  • CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

Module 4: Advanced PHP and Ongoing Project (Week 8-9)

Week 8: Advanced PHP Concepts

  • Object-Oriented Programming in PHP
  • Error handling and debugging
  • File handling in PHP

Week 9: Sessions, Cookies, and Security

  • Managing user sessions
  • Working with cookies
  • Basic security practices in PHP

Module 5: Final Project and Advanced Topics (Week 10)

Week 10: Final Project and Advanced Topics

  • Implementing a comprehensive web project
  • Version control (e.g., Git and GitHub)
  • Deployment and hosting considerations
  • Discussion on PHP frameworks (e.g., Laravel, Symfony)

Ongoing Projects

Throughout the course, encourage students to work on ongoing projects that align with the topics covered. These projects should gradually increase in complexity to reinforce their understanding and application of concepts. Some project ideas include:

  • Personal portfolio website
  • Blogging platform with PHP and MySQL
  • E-commerce site with user authentication and product management